
Released in February 2024.

New Asset Library

The enhanced library offers improved UX and new functionality, such as:

  • Search

  • Sort

  • Filter

  • Adding tags to assets

  • Bulk actions, such as assigning tags to multiple assets and bulk deletion

Also available via Control API.

Reveal answer on user vote for on-demand Quizzes

Now supported by EnMasse and available in Studio UI (no longer need to use custom “result” field in the Element form to add in the correct answer option)

New "development" label for Project environment

A new label to mark the development type Projects alongside staging and production ones for easier sorting.

Project archival

Project archival which will keep all data in the archived Project but will disconnect it from all services which will improve platform's load and performance.

Project archival will:

  • Stop loading the App

  • Stop all Events

  • Unschedule any scheduled Events

Once archived this action cannot be undone

Project archival is only available on Admin level permissions.

External browse and use of 3rd party asset tools for creating content (on Element level)

A new way to browse and use asset tools external to the platform when creating content in Studio (Tools can vary, an example is when a customer has their own Cloudinary subscription for asset management and want to use it as an integration inside Studio).

Please note this feature enables our Solution teams to implement the respective integration. The feature is not available out of the box and requires certain set up time.