Activity Log

Track changes made to Studio's App Setup

What is Activity Log?

Activity Log provides a snapshot of changes made to Studio's App Setup, time and author of the change.

It is available for every Project in Studio in the left hand navigation.

When is Activity Log useful?

  1. Track progress of your projects

    Monterosa / Interaction Cloud™ Activity Log shows details of changes made in Studio App Setup, time and author of the change. When multiple team members collaborate in the same space (App Setup) and would like to see what changes are made, by whom and when, Activity Log makes it easy to track progress.

  2. Assist in troubleshooting

    In case of misconfiguration resulting in issues with end-user app/experience - the tool assists in investigating the problem.

  3. Rollback changes and edits

    When a team member needs to roll back changes made and can see a history of previous ones.