Advanced SDK integration

Extending the basic SDK integration using advanced features of Monterosa / Interaction SDK IdentityKit

Driving sign ups by listening for login requests within the Experience

In order to drive sign-ups in your userbase, Experiences support gated content including a "sign up" call to action. When the user interacts with it, a request to login is sent from the Experience and via the SDK.

In order to capture that notification and integrate your own login flow, you’ll need to implement listeners to onLoginRequestedByExperience:

let delegate = IdentifyViewController()
Identify.default.add(delegate: delegate)

class IdentifyViewController: IdentifyKitAPIDelegate {
    func didRequestLoginByExperience() {
        // Implement here

Listening to credentials validation failure

The onCredentialsValidationFailed() function enables you to set up an event listener that is triggered when a credential validation failure occurs. This listener is invoked regardless of who initiates the call to Identify (whether the Experience or the App) and who is subscribed to it, as well as the kind of error.

let delegate = IdentifyViewController()
Identify.default.add(delegate: delegate)

class IdentifyViewController: IdentifyKitAPIDelegate {
    func didFailCredentialsValidation(error: Error) {
        // Implement here