Event History

An Event history feed contains Event data and all published Elements which have completed.


<static host>/events/<first two chars of event UUID>/<event UUID>/history.json


  • config contains an event data (object)

    • id event UUID(string)

    • name event name (string)

    • start_at start time as unix timestamp (integer)

    • start_at_iso start time in an ISO 8601 format (string)

    • end_at end time as unix timestamp (integer)

    • end_at_iso end time in an ISO 8601 format (string)

    • started started or already finished (boolean)

    • image_url URL to the image set in event settings (string)

    • custom_fields contains event level custom settings (object)

    • extra_time extra time of event

    • on_demand_time on demand of event

    • duration real event duration

    • original_duration original event duration

  • timeline contains objects with element data (array)

    • id element id (integer)

    • type name of a core element which this custom element built on top

    • content_type element content type (string)

    • duration element duration

    • published_at publish time as unix timestamp (integer)

    • published_at_iso publish time in an ISO 8601 format (string)

    • updated_at last time updated as unix timestamp (integer)

    • updated_at_iso last time updated in an ISO 8601 format (string)

    • duration duration in seconds (integer)

    • rating element's rating, when rating mode is enabled (float, precision depends on rating mode settings).

    • fixed is element has fixed duration (integer)

    • data processed data from enmasse

    • custom_fields contains element custom field values (object)

  • version file format version, currently 1 (integer)

custom_fields at event and element level contains field values as key-value object, where key is an custom field key from application spec.


  "timeline": [
      "id": "7d9d03c7-a1db-4449-9432-3610dfd5f731",
      "type": "rpoll",
      "content_type": "rpoll-custom",
      "published_at": 1555601671,
      "published_at_iso": "2019-04-18T15:34:31Z",
      "updated_at": 1555601673,
      "updated_at_iso": "2019-04-18T15:34:33Z",
      "data": {
        "frame_type": "rpoll",
        "id": 49116,
        "state": "stopped",
        "requires_validated_user": false,
        "reveal_results_mode": "vote",
        "results": [
            "votes": 0,
            "percentage": 0
            "votes": 0,
            "percentage": 0
        "results_per_source": [
            "source": "regular",
            "voters": 0,
            "results": [
                "votes": 0,
                "percentage": 0
                "votes": 0,
                "percentage": 0
        "options": {
          "en": [
              "text": "Jack"
              "text": "John"
          "all": [
              "text": "Jack"
              "text": "John"
        "question": {
          "en": {
            "text": "Jack or John?"
          "all": {
            "text": "Jack or John?"
        "min_options_per_vote": 1,
        "max_options_per_vote": 2,
        "max_votes_per_user": 2,
        "max_votes_per_option": 1
      "custom_fields": {
        "en": {
          "text_during_poll": "Make your decision now...",
          "text_after_poll": "Poll closed",
          "text_after_answering": "Thanks for answering"
        "all": {
          "text_during_poll": "Make your decision now...",
          "text_after_poll": "Poll closed",
          "text_after_answering": "Thanks for answering"
      "duration": 16,
      "fixed": true
  "config": {
    "id": "8306b7fe-4ec8-4f1f-92cc-910a14ef5192",
    "name": "Event Name",
    "start_at": 1555598785,
    "start_at_iso": "2019-04-18T14:46:25Z",
    "end_at": 1555601687,
    "end_at_iso": "2019-04-18T15:34:47Z",
    "started": true,
    "image_url": null,
    "custom_fields": {
      "en": {
        "text_noncloneable_default": "text_noncloneable_default",
        "text_cloneable_default": "text_cloneable_default",
        "boolean": true,
        "color": "rgba(23, 100, 240, 0.2)",
        "float": 3.14159265
      "all": {
        "text_noncloneable_default": "text_noncloneable_default",
        "text_cloneable_default": "text_cloneable_default",
        "boolean": true,
        "color": "rgba(23, 100, 240, 0.2)",
        "float": 3.14159265
    "extra_time": 63,
    "on_demand_time": 0,
    "duration": 2902,
    "original_duration": 3600
  "version": 2

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