Release notes for FanKit v24.41.0 - released 17/05/2024
🚀 New features
Ladder Poll - new Element letting users vote for options in a hierarchical order
Ladder Quiz - new Element asking users to place the answer options in the correct order
Podium Predictor v2 - replacing the legacy Podium Predictor with a single Element for easy setup, along with new modal drawers for a better front end user experience
Quiz Randomisation - jumble the questions surfaced in a Multi Question Quiz and limit how many questions are surfaced at random from the total pool for that quiz
Element Carousel links and images - insert standalone links and images or overwrite the images and links that populate automatically inside an Element Carousel.
✨ Updates
Background image behaviours - additional settings to refine how background images scale, tile and crop
🐞 Fixes
36 items
Element label visibility for some elements
Element header - Adding margin for embedded video
Promo Video - Adding new option_grid wrapper for buttons
Option button global style settings - Adding background colour direction setting
Podium Predictor - Prediction card border width and radius not affected by global border settings
External article - no space between image and title
Podium Predictor - Delete icon settings not applied
Podium Predictor - Placeholder Icon color not applied
Opta Widget - Incorrect applying of active button background colours on mobile screens
Closed' label added on UI only after page reloading
Global Background - body/html
Standard Poll - Adding closed state box for the element user didn't interact with
Adding element header editorial class names for Commentary and External Article
Re-apply Content Max Width to elements
MQQ - Display reveal state box instead of submitted when reveal results set to 'always' or 'on user vote'
Podium Predictor - User interacts on closed state
Opta Widget - Loading issues within tabs
Team Selector - 4-2-3-1 Soccer formation type is displayed in UI as 4-5-1
Sharing screen - label text override field not working
Sorting Quiz - the correct answer is displayed in the UI before the element is closed for an element with the reveal type on close
Sorting Quiz [don`t reveal] - after closing the element, the user receives the results even though the element was set to not reveal the result type
MQQ - the explanation displayed for the revealed image field causes confusion
Score predictor results - no vote
Multi Predictor - 'Share predictor number' doesnt work appropriately
Score Predictor; Score Predictor High Scores - The user who hasn't interacted with the element before the result was revealed can still interact with it
Multi Quiz Question - Decreasing score mechanic
Reaction Rater Slider Track to be 8px tall
Option Box - Global UI Component
Word Quiz - Hide clear button
Background Image behaviour
Ignore autoResizeHeight from SDK and send message always