Features and capabilities of the Identify extension
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Features and capabilities of the Identify extension
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Identify is a powerful extension that enables you to seamlessly connect with your Single Sign-On (SSO) providers and manage user identity within your Monterosa Experiences. With Identify, you can track and maintain user data through your existing SSO infrastructure.
Setting up and using Identify is a straightforward process, and our private and public API endpoints ensure that the extension is mostly used in the background. This means that you can focus on creating and managing your Experiences while identity integration is handled by Monterosa.
By using Identify, you can leverage your SSO provider's capabilities to streamline the user authentication process and enhance your Experiences. So whether you're using your existing SSO infrastructure or setting up a new one, Identify caters for both use cases.
To start using Identify, make sure it's enabled for your project. If it's not already enabled, please raise a ticket with an email to and our team will assist you with enabling it.
Once Identify is enabled, you can set up your authentication strategy and select your preferred SSO provider from the dropdown menu. We currently support popular providers including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as custom integrations and other providers available upon request. Each provider has its own developer documentation available for your convenience.
With Identify, you can leverage your existing SSO infrastructure to manage user data and identity within your Monterosa Experiences. And with this simple setup process, you can easily connect your preferred provider and get started right away.
Once you have set up your strategy and provider, you can access the Identify settings.
The Settings tab includes:
Generic settings
Page fields: here, you can enable/disable fields that will be presented on email login/register/profile
All form fields: labels/titles for forms on email login
Frontend page settings: styles, labels, etc. for email login
Error messages
In the Sessions section, you can configure the following parameters:
Maximum Number of Devices: the maximum number of devices per user that can obtain an Enmasse authorisation to vote at the same time. If you log in with your user on multiple devices, the system will check how many devices have been signed in with your user before granting authorisation. Zero (0) means infinite.
Session Time in Minutes: the duration of an Enmasse session to permit voting. This is not related to any external SSO integration which have their own session limits. Usually, it is a very large number in minutes which will cover the whole duration of a project.
Rate Limit: this parameter is used to manage the backend requests from the same source. If it is OFF, this is DISABLING the rate limit, so multiple requests from the same source will not be stopped. If it is ON, this ENABLES the rate limit, so all sources will have the ability to call Identify only at the configured rate. This helps prevent load-driven attacks.
Session Based on Device: this parameter determines if the Enmasse session will be determined by the user ID or by their device identifier. If you have 2 devices and using the same login, and want all devices to share the same session in Enmasse, switch this OFF. But if you want to have unique scores on each device sharing the same login, switch this ON. If this button is switched ON, Identify will always require a deviceID parameter on every request from the client app so that it can manage correctly to which device to address the session.
Identify's Public API contains various endpoints for registering and login in users. A full list of available endpoints per SSO provider can be found here.