iOS Behaviours

Specific behaviours associated with iOS

Allow WebView To be Inspectable in iOS

By default, the SDK does not allow the webview to be inspectable. You can override this behaviour and allow for the WKWebView powering the experience to be inspectable by using the following snippet:

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  isInspectable: true

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

Allow Media Inline Playback in the Experience in iOS

By default, the SDK does not allow media to be played inline, meaning that all media plays fullscreen by default. You can override this behaviour and allow for inline playback by using the following snippet:

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  allowsInlineMediaPlayback: true

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

Customise the URLSession used in iOS

Customising the URLSession in an iOS application allows you to adapt network requests to meet your app's specific needs.

By setting a custom URLSession instance to the URLSession.monterosaSDK, the SDK allows you to override the the URLSession that the SDK uses.

This allows to:

  • Control the timeout period

  • Control the caching

  • Meet network security requirements (such as disabling HTTP cache)

In order to override the URLSession, you'll need to set the value like so:

import MonterosaSDKConnectKit

let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
// Your customisations, e.g. disable caching:
config.urlCache = nil
URLSession.monterosaSDK = URLSession(configuration: config)

Note that the URLSession will be injected into the SDK kits as they are being created, so it's preferable to set this value before accessing any functionality. For instance, you should execute this before:

  • Setting credentials in IdentifyKit

  • Instantiating an ExperienceView

Additionally, this property can be modified before Core.configure is called, so the safest approach would be to set it before the SDK is initialised.

Last updated