Public feeds are JSON feeds provided as an alternative way for a client app to access published content and listings by client applications. They are hosted on a CDN and have high-volume capacity.
There Are two types of feeds:
All Elements - includes all elements.
All Published - includes only published elements.
An example of feed JSON file:
{"generated_at": 1555658936,"elements": [ {"id":"c1ca0c7b-cf71-4c38-bc36-6a7329038af6","frame_type":"rpoll","is_published":true,"start_mode":"timecode","updated_at":1555658664,"updated_at_iso":"2019-04-19T07:24:24Z","duration":270,"results": [ {"votes":0,"percentage":0 }, {"votes":0,"percentage":0 } ],"results_per_source": [ {"source":"regular","voters":0,"results": [ {"votes":0,"percentage":0 }, {"votes":0,"percentage":0 } ] } ],"results_are_final":true,"votes":0,"min_options_per_vote":1,"max_options_per_vote":2,"question": {"en": {"text":"What is the best pet in the World?" },"all": {"text":"What is the best pet in the World?" } },"options": {"en": [ {"text":"Dog" }, {"text":"Cat" } ],"all": [ {"text":"Dog" }, {"text":"Cat" } ] },"max_votes_per_user":2,"max_votes_per_option":1,"reveal_results_mode":"vote","labels": {"element":"What is the best pet in the World?","question":"What is the best pet in the World?","options": ["Dog","Cat" ] },"fixed":true,"use_certification":false,"requires_validated_user":false,"content_type":"rpoll-custom","custom_fields": {"en": {"text_during_poll":"Make your decision now...","text_after_poll":"Poll closed","text_after_answering":"Thanks for answering" },"all": {"text_during_poll":"Make your decision now...","text_after_poll":"Poll closed","text_after_answering":"Thanks for answering" } } } ]}
Public Feeds are not enabled by default. They can be switched on per Project via Studio in Settings > Feeds tab.