Interactions dataset
User interactions by Element
Stores details of all active user interactions with questions (or other interactive elements). This is streamed in near-real time.
Table name: customer_schema.silver_interactions
Data source: Monterosa Enmasse Warehouse
Update method: Batch or stream
Update frequency: TBD
See Monterosa Identifiers for details of the IDs used in this dataset
Note that this table can be provided with a subset of these fields when it is used in conjunction with other datasets described here. The full dataset can also be used as a standalone export of interactions.
Fields marked in bold are provided in the reduced dataset.
Column | Type | Description | Example |
project_id | string | Unique Project identifier | [uuid] |
event_id | string | Unique Event identifier | [uuid] |
event_name | string | Name of event in Studio | Daily Trivia 10/10 |
user_id | string | Monterosa User identifier (signed in users) | [uuid] |
sid | string | Monterosa Anonymous User identifier (all users) | [uuid] |
external_id | string | Customer/SSO user ID (signed in users) | [uuid] |
element_id | string | Unique Element identifier | [uuid] |
poll_id | integer | Unique Element short identifier | 98765 |
question_text | string | Text of question in Studio | Which team will win? |
option | integer | 1-based index of userβs selected option | 2 |
option_text | string | Text of answer option in Studio | Lakers |
correct_option | integer | 1-based index of correct option (if known) | 1 |
interactions | integer | Number of interactions (usually 1 but can be more for some content types) | 1 |
timestamp | double | Time the interaction happened (UTC) | 2023-11-30 12:00:02.000 |
date | date | Date the interaction happened (UTC) | 2023-11-30 |
content_type | string | Content type descriptor | trivia-element |
Sample CSV Data:
Sample JSON Data: