
Listings contain a list of Events. Please check here for more detail on how they work.

<static host>/projects/<first two chars of project UUID>/<project UUID>/listings.json


  • project objects contains a project data

    • uuid project UUID

    • app_settings URL to the application project-level settings JSON file without schema, i.e. // (string, optional)

    • audio_sync_default_delay all content will be delayed by this many seconds for clients which do not explicitly set audio delay

    • audio_sync_max_delay this is maximum delay value The App is allowed to set

    • tracking_id google analytics id to track user actions on client-side (string)

    • embed project embed url without schema, i.e. // (string)

    • history_ignore how long in seconds from the start of event there's no need to read data from CDN/history (because data exists in enmasse cache) (integer)

    • is_localisation_supported flag indicates whether the localisation is enabled or not (boolean)

    • locales list of locales enabled in the project (array)

  • events array of event objects

    • id event UUID

    • name event name (string)

    • start_at event start time, unix timestamp (integer)

    • start_at_iso event start time in ISO format (string)

    • end_at event end time, unix timestamp (integer)

    • end_at_iso event end time in ISO format (string)

    • started flag indicates whether event started or not (boolean)

    • image_url URL to the event image without schema, i.e. // (string)

    • custom_fields object with event's custom fileds in format of key-value

    • digest hash digest of an event data. If something changes digest will change as well.

    • extra_time seconds after episode when client uses data in enmasse cache rather than CDN (integer)

  • assets object with assets exported by service, where key is a service type and value is an array of assets. For details about assets format see Assets.

    "project": {
        "uuid": "402f23e5-24fe-474d-a011-f034025ca34d",
        "app_settings": "//",
        "audio_sync_default_delay": 0,
        "audio_sync_max_delay": 0,
        "tracking_id": "UA-XXXXX-X",
        "embed": "//",
        "is_localisation_supported": true,
        "locales": [{
            "key": "de",
            "default": false,
            "name": "Deutsch"
        }, {
            "key": "en",
            "default": true,
            "name": "English"
    "events": [
            "id": "321449cd-467b-4bae-8186-1e1710ad6212",
            "name": "Test event",
            "start_at": 1407249942,
            "start_at_iso": "2014-08-05T14:45:42Z",
            "end_at": 1407250061,
            "end_at_iso": "2014-08-05T14:47:41Z",
            "started": true,
            "image_url": null,
            "custom_fields": {
                "en" {
                    "field_key": "value"
            "digest": "b2048ef76ef3dc9718e3b543900cd4d6baf7c31c"
    "assets": {
      "submissions": [
          "name": "logo",
          "data": ""