Set Sync Delay

<void> setDelay(<Integer> delay, [<Boolean> force = false]);
<void> setDelay(<LViS.Event> event, <Integer> timecode, [<Boolean> force = false]);
<void> setDelay(<Date> time, [<Boolean> force = false]);

Sets user delay to all incoming messages.

The second form takes LViS Event and current timecode of the accompanying video/audio/content stream. It assumes that the 00 stream timecode matches the start of the LViS Event and calculates the delay so that the user receives content if they were at timecode within the LViS Event.

The third form automatically calculates the delay as now - time and can be used if time is not the same as LViS Event start time.

If force flag is true current event will be reset even if new delay is the same as previously set delay. If force is false then this method does nothing in case new delay is the same as previous.

Resetting an event will lead to LViS.Event.ON_NOT_READY, LViS.Event.ON_READY and LViS.Event.ON_ELEMENT_REVOKE (if any elements were published) JavaScript events to be triggered.


let delay = 10;

let event = LViS.getEvent();

// fired once event has been updated
event.bind(LViS.Event.ON_UPDATE, () => {});

// teardown rendered `element` from UI
event.bind(LViS.Event.ON_ELEMENT_REVOKE, (element) => {});

// element with the correct state according to set delay is published
event.bind(LViS.Event.ON_ELEMENT_PUBLISH, (element) => {});
