Configuring your Experience

The SDK offers a simple interface that allows you to offer Experiences to your users in few lines of code.

You can control and customise behaviour beyond the defaults. For example, an Experience can be configured to exist as an embed within a written article, rather like a widget. But you can also set the same Experience to display full page with its header and footer.

This section covers the available options.

Manage the Experience's size

By default, the SDK will respect the height specified within your application and display a scrollbar when necessary so the user can navigate the full content.

However, the SDK can automatically manage the height of the view for you, by respecting the width set and updating the height to match that of the content in the Experience:

Note: This feature only works on FanKit versions 24.33.0 or later

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  autoresizesHeight: true

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure you layout the experience correctly using autolayout,
// but ensure you don't constraint yet the height of the view
// (or use a low priority constraint), as that will be managed by the SDK.
// For instance, to attach to the top, and both sides, start with 
// 300px height, and eventually let the SDK manage the height, 
// you'd use the following code:
experience.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
experience.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: <yourView>.topAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
experience.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: <yourView>.leadingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
experience.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: <yourView>.trailingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true

// Setting default low priority on the constraint so the height 
// constraint set by the SDK overrules it.
let heightConstraint = experience.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 300)
heightConstraint.priority = .defaultLow
heightConstraint.isActive = true

Additionally, we let you listen to changes in the intrinsic size of the web page, so you can handle the resize with your preferred approach:

let experience = Launcher.getExperience()

// Assumes that we want to embed in the ViewController's view
// If you want to embed somewhere else use the relevant view instead

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

// Assumes `self` implements ExperienceViewDelegate
experience.delegate = self

// Example implementation of ExperienceViewDelegate
extension MyViewController: ExperienceViewDelegate {
    // [...]
    // Implementation of the rest of ExperienceViewDelegate 
    // [...]

    func didChangeIntrinsicSize(experienceView: ExperienceView, size: CGSize) {
    // Here you can update your size as needed

Launch to a Specific Event

By default, the SDK will launch the Experience without specifying a specific event to focus on. If you want to launch to a specific event, you can do so by using the following snippet:

let eventId = "<event id>"
let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  eventId: eventId

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

Providing custom parameters

Monterosa / Interaction SDK allows you to provide custom query parameters in LauncherKit to customise the Experience you embed. You can do so by using the following snippet:

let parameters = ["customKey": "customValue"]
let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  parameters: parameters

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

Loading and Error Views

By default, the SDK will use the loading view from the Experience itself. You can enable a custom loading / error view by setting supportsLoadingState to true.

On Android, loading and error views are not supported when using the ExperienceActivity and ExperienceFragment classes rather than ExperienceView as we can't parcelise the view providers.

Use instead an ExperienceView or wrap it with your own Activity or Fragment.

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  supportsLoadingState: true

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

When enabled, a simple black-on-white loading screen is displayed so as to avoid having a blank screen whilst the Experience is loaded.

If you want to customise said views, you can do so by passing via ExperienceConfiguration a ViewProvider, which is responsible to create a view to display instead of the default loading/error views.

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  loadingViewProvider: { MyLoadingView() },
  errorViewProvider: { error in MyErrorView(error) }

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

Customise timeout for Loading View

To customise how long the loading view is displayed before transitioning to either the main Experience view or an error view, you can specify a timeout parameter in your ExperienceConfiguration.

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  dismissLoadingViewTimeout: <TimeInterval>

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

Note: This feature only works on FanKit versions 24.33.0 or later

By default, the SDK assumes that the parent application will be displaying its own header and footer, and therefore we hide the Experience’s default header if one exists. You can override this behaviour and present the header and footer of the Experience by using the following snippet:

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  hidesHeadersAndFooters: false

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

By default, the SDK does not open hyperlinks externally in the web browser. You can override this behaviour and allow for any link containing the blank target to open in an external app by using the following snippet:

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  launchesURLsWithBlankTargetToSafari: true

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

Allow WebView To be Inspectable in iOS

By default, the SDK does not allow the webview to be inspectable. You can override this behaviour and allow for the WKWebView powering the experience to be inspectable by using the following snippet:

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  isInspectable: true

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame

Allow Media Inline Playback in the Experience in iOS

By default, the SDK does not allow media to be played inline, meaning that all media plays fullscreen by default. You can override this behaviour and allow for inline playback by using the following snippet:

let config = ExperienceConfiguration(
  allowsInlineMediaPlayback: true

let experience = Launcher.getExperience(config: config)

// You need to ensure the experiences are laid out however you see fit.
// For instance, could use autolayout constraints, or setting 
// their frame