Element Reference

A list of possible Element attributes and states

Element attributes

  • offset - Offset from event start in seconds. Present if element has "timecode" start mode.

  • duration - Element duration in seconds. Present if element has fixed duration.

  • content_type - Element content type.

  • start_mode - Possible values: "timecode", "manual".

  • state - Element state.

  • updated_at - Date time when an element was last updated.

  • updated_at_iso - Last update time in ISO format.

  • revoked_at - Date time when an element was revoked.

  • revoked_at_iso - Revoke time in ISO format.

  • custom_fields - List of element's custom fields.

  • label - Element label.

Additional attributes for poll-line elements only

  • question - Question and answer options data.

  • reveal_results_mode - Controls when voting results are revealed to end user. Possible values: "vote", "close", "event_end", "never", "manual".

  • require_verified_user - Controls whether a user who did not pass verification is allowed to vote.

  • include_in_latest_results_feed - Marks element for inclusion into "latest results" feed.

  • certification - Shows whether certification is enabled.

  • enmasse_id - Enmasse element ID.

  • correct_option - Correct option for prediction and trivia elements.

  • max_votes_per_user - Maximum number of votes per user.

  • max_votes_per_option - Maximum number of votes a user can cast per option.

  • min_options_per_vote - Minimum options count allowed to vote.

  • max_options_per_vote - Maximum options count allowed to vote.

  • reveal_answer_mode - Reveal answer mode for quiz elements. Possible values: "auto", "manual".

  • reveal_answer_in - Answer reveal delay in seconds in auto mode for quiz elements.

  • reveal_answer_on_user_vote - Shows whether reveal answer on vote is enabled.

  • fade - A number of seconds between user's vote and when this vote will be faded out. Available for powerbar and emoting elements.

Element state

  • "non_scheduled" - element created, but not placed on the timeline, so not scheduled for publishing.

  • "future" - element placed on the timeline. It does not matter whether event itself is scheduled to start automatically or setup for manual start.

  • "current" - element is active now, meaning it has started, but has not finished yet.

  • "on_demand" - element is finished in Studio, but might still be active for the end user depending on what audio delay is set by the client app.

  • "past" - element is finished in Studio and for all end users.

  • "revoked" - element revoked.

  • "cancelled" - element cancelled, for example because event was stopped before element, which was placed on the timeline, was published.