Integration FAQs

Answers to our frequently asked questions

What integration best suits my needs?

I want a quick and simple integration, how should I proceed?

We find that Embedding Apps is the simplest way to integration with the Monterosa / Interaction Cloud.

I want the best UX I can offer my users, and the means to deliver it, how should I proceed?

If you have the development capabilities required to implement a custom UI that integrates with the data flowing through our platforms, you may wish to build your own UI natively using iOS and Android support. However, we find that the improvement over Embedding Apps is fairly limited when compared with the increase in effort required.

Configuring an embedded Experience

How can I embed an Experience in full screen using the SDK?

When Embedding an experience there's multiple distinct configuration parameters you can set. In order to create a recipe for embedding in fullscreen, we'd recommend to:

How can I embed an Experience as a widget within my page?

When Embedding an experience there's multiple distinct configuration parameters you can set. In order to embed an Experience as a widget within one of your pages, we'd recommend to:

How can I embed an experience as a modal page?

Monterosa / Interaction SDK provides an un-opinionated view that won't mind where you embed it. As a result, displaying it as a modal page will require you to embed the Experience within a modal you create.

Accessing the SDK

What do I need to access the SDK

In order to access the SDK you'll need a Welcome pack. This is a document we generate for each of our clients that includes all the required information to get up and running with our SDK. Please contact sales or your account manager if you're interested in access.


The Experience is not respecting one of the configuration options I set through the SDK, what went wrong?

Some of the features we provide on our SDK rely on the Experience being integrated already with the SDK. If you notice something not working, there's a chance that the Experience is not yet supporting that feature.

Please get in touch with our team and we'll help you resolve this situation.

Analytics, ads or the whole app do not work reliably in Apple Safari or Google Chrome when in Incognito?

This is likely to be caused by modern browsers restricting the functionality of what they perceive as "third-party content". It is usually addressed by hosting the Monterosa Experience on the same domain as the parent page (your website). Please read more here.

Last updated