Creator FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What browsers does Studio support?
Studio is made for modern desktop browsers. It is not designed to work on mobile, although some functions will work on mobile.
Studio is not designed to be used on mobile browsers
Desktop Browsers
>= Windows 10
Does the platform support A/B Testing?
A/B Testing is straightforward to set up. You simply create your content Event (A) and clone it into a second (B). Then on your frontend app or site, apply your own logic to send users to either event. For more information refer to: Discovering Events Programmatically
Does the platform support personalisation?
Yes, there are various ways to personalise the Experience for users. For example:
Based on language or region with localisation
Tagging content and filtering on the frontend
Building cohorts and sending individual cohorts to individual Events.
Can more than one person edit an Event at the same time?
The platform does not yet support simultaneous users in the same event. Although it will not block multiple users, it can lead to unforeseen consequences and we recommend you avoid this scenario.
How are Unique Users calculated in the Interaction Cloud?
Each client app connecting to the Interaction Cloud is allocated a unique ID. This ID is then stored in local storage on the client device and used to identify this user next time a connection to the platform is made.
The total number of different IDs connected to Event is displayed within Studio Timeline and Analytics pages as Unique Users.
What is "peak concurrent users"?
"Peak concurrent users" refers to the highest number of users who were simultaneously connected to the platform at any given point in the event. These users can connect to the platform through WebSocket and HTTP Proxy connections. The measurement of peak concurrent users is taken every 5 seconds, with the final figure being the highest number recorded during that minute.
How are Session Lengths measured?
Session length - this is the duration between client app connecting and disconnecting to/from the platform in the context of an Event. For more information see Analytics.
Average session length - this is the combined duration of all event sessions divided by the number of unique event users
Why do Analytics data not match Google/Adobe Analytics exactly?
In addition to Monterosa / Interaction Cloud built-in analytics, you may also be tracking user activity with Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics or another 3rd party product. On the face of it, these products track the same things - the number of users viewing or engaging with an Experience, or the number of responses to each option in a poll, for example.
There are some difference, which relate to the different ways in which analytics are being measured by these different approaches. The effect of this is that there will usually be a small difference in the figures reported.
Web or app analytics provided by a 3rd party service track users based on "Tracking events" that are fired when users perform an action that is identified in the agreed tracking plan. These are aggregated in reports by time (hour/day/month) and can be filtered by other metrics.
Monterosa's platform analytics count the number of users connecting to the platform and interacting with content via a websocket connection. These are aggregated based on the Elements, Events and Projects that users interact with and so are not always directly comparable with the time-based ranges of a web analytics product.
Another difference is the way in which users are identifed. Web analytics products usually identify the user based on a cookie that is stored on the browser or device. Some users choose not to accept these cookies, or opt out of tracking, either through consent management on your site or in their browser settings, and this will affect the numbers reported by that service. Monterosa's platform analytics assign a unique ID to users which is stored differently and may not be affected by these settings in the same way.
In general both services will show the same trends and usually have a very similar number of users and interactions, but the differences in measurement and aggregation can sometimes result in differences between the two.