How to localise FanKit applications with multiple languages
Last updated
How to localise FanKit applications with multiple languages
Last updated
When the same experience is used in multiple markets, it is often needed to manage more than one language for the same content.
FanKit gives you this possibility thanks to the Localisation feature provided by Monterosa / Interaction Cloud. Most user-readable content can have its own locale.
To enable the localisation, you need to add and activate the languages you want to support in the Project Settings menu and then going in the Localisation tab:
When your language is activated, all the text fields (in App Setup and in Elements) are now available in multiple languages, English being the default language when the translations are not populated.
A language selector is available in FanKit. An overlay is displayed when the users visit your FanKit experience for the first time. Their preference is stored in their cookies. It can be updated by clicking on the flag in the top right corner of the page.
The following settings can be found in the App Settings for most FanKit app.
Background Colour
Global background colour applied to the overlay.
Background Image
You can upload a different background image for mobile, tablet and desktop. When both background colour and background image are populated, the background image is displayed.
Edit the title of the language selector
Upload a flag image for every supported language
Language label
Add a country name or a label for every supported language
Cancel button label
Edit the label of the Cancel button. Clicking on this button closes the overlay without changing the user's preference.