Analytics integration
Web/App analytics support in Monterosa Experiences
Monterosa Experiences support analytics tracking providers Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics as standard.
User activity in the Experiences is reported to the analytics service as a series of tracking calls, that correspond to user actions such as viewing a screen, clicking on a button or an ad banner etc.
The latest list of events that are tracked as standard within the Experiences is available from your Monterosa account manager during the onboarding phase.
Cookies and consent management
Tracking is likely to be subject to user consent, and if you are using a consent managent platform to offer and track user choices, please see our Consent Management integrationguide.
Additional tracking requirements
The list of tracking events provided by Monterosa Experiences as standard is normally sufficient for most use cases, but should you require additional tracking calls, or if a different tracking provider is used, please contact Monterosa to provided a detailed assessment of the solution to meet your needs.