JavaScript Lib Overview

Getting started with the JavaScript library

We are working on a new SDK that will replace this Javascript library during early 2023. Please check the section Building your own Experience and Embedding Experiences using the SDK sections to find out more.

As npm module

Monterosa / Interaction Cloud was previously known as LViS. As such, you will find API documentation using the term.

The JavaScript library is installed via npm and is used to build applications that run on the Monterosa platform.


In order to use the library as npm module you need:

  • Monterosa private npm registry account. In order to get the account please send a request to support.

  • npm version 6 or higher


  • Log into Monterosa registry with existing account credentials

$ npm login --registry= --scope=@monterosa
  • Install package

$ npm install @monterosa/lvis-api@^23 --save
  • Import the module

import LViS from '@monterosa/lvis-api';

As direct include

If you're not into package management, you can download build and place it in vendor folder or include The API by injecting JavaScript into head section of your HTML document:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//">

You can get the list of available versions in Changelog section.