Third Party Libraries & Licenses

A log of all third-party libraries used by Fan Companion


Android open source components are Java code libraries which provide services for the native Android app.

Technical Integration: These Android libraries are compiled and bundled as binaries into the code and linked statically to the proprietary code.


iOS open source components are Swift code libraries which provide services for the native iOS app.

Technical Integration: These iOS libraries are compiled and bundled as binaries into the code and linked statically to the proprietary code.

React Native

React Native is an open-source toolkit based on the React JavaScript framework which is used to create native iOS and Android components from a single codebase, which is used in both iOS and Android apps.

Technical integration: React Native libraries provide two types of code: JavaScript and native (Java or Swift/Objective-C). The native code is linked into the main project and compiled along with the rest of the app as with other libraries described above. The JavaScript code is bundled into a single package as part of the app download, and executed at runtime when the React Native components are used.

Statuses explained

  • Mandatory — powers core functionality of the app, can not be removed.

  • Built-in — linked into the code in a tight way, can be excluded, if the functionality it provides is not required, or replaced with an alternative solution — at extra cost.

Optional — included only when the functionality it provides is required.

Last updated