
Selfies and selfie filters through the App Camera


The Camera is a way to let your users take snaps and selfies with overlays you can upload yourself in Monterosa / Interaction Cloud™ Setup. Multiple "selfie filters" can be uploaded as PNGs.

Once activated the camera has a reverse-camera feature on phones which support it.

The user must give permission to access Camera Roll / Photos. When the user takes a photo it is saved to the Camera Roll / Photos.

Get in touch if you want to add AR or other special extra features.





Filter Mobile

Image 1080 x 1920px (9:16) | Max 2mb | Transparent PNG

Filter Tablet

Uses same filter as mobile

Image Guidance: Exact pixel dimensions are for minimum guidance only (00 x 00px), media must be the correct ratio size to avoid being cut or distorted (0:0). For example, 16:9 is equivalent to 32 x 18px and 64 x 36px. Media must be under the recommended file weights to avoid lengthy download times (Max 000kb)

Setup Guide

  1. Log into Monterosa / Interaction Cloud™

  2. Go to App Setup in the main menu

  3. Go to the Selfie Filters Tab


Can I upload animated GIFs as a Filter? This is not currently supported. Please contact your Producer to discuss any custom features.

Can I do AR? Please contact your Producer to discuss any custom features.

How many Filters can I add? We'd suggest an upper limit of 10 to ensure all your designs get spotted and used!

Last updated