
Tactical boosts to your players' performance

Power-ups make gameplay tactical and engaging

Power-ups are small, usable tweak to the gameplay that can give an advantage to a player. As questions are the main gameplay, power-ups focus on making the question easier or giving more chances to the user to get it right.

Gameshow Live supports three different power-ups, which can be used once per game by each player, on selected questions:

  1. Take-away wrong answers

  2. Pick 2 answers

  3. Follow the crowd

Takeaway wrong answers

Removes 1 or 2 possible answer from the players screen, making is easier for them to select the right answer.

The answers removed are always the same for everyone to avoid that users can use multiple devices to eliminate all wrong answers.

Pick 2 answers

Gives the user the ability to pick 2 answers and increase their chances of a correct answer.

Follow the crowd

If finding the right answer is too stressful, this power-ups gives the user the possibility to automatically pick the most popular answer. But it might not be the right answer!

Last updated