
An introduction to Monterosa / FanKit the real-time interactive framework

FanKit is the embeddable interactive toolkit, part of the Monterosa / Interaction Cloud and the underlying framework powering many Monterosa Experiences.

It is a responsive web app created with React, featuring a range of real-time interactive Elements designed to be integrated into your site or app.

These documents cover all of the underlying capabilities of FanKit, including those which may not be applicable to all Experiences.

FanKit includes interactive capabilities that are designed for scale, including many different kinds of Polls, Quizzes, Predictions, and other interactive and media elements - see the full list of Elements

FanKit is the underlying framework that powers an ever-expanding range of Experiences available within Monterosa / Interaction Cloud.

There are four different display modes, Card, Timeline, Tabs and Hub. In Card mode, only one card is displayed at a time, with the most recent being visible. This mode can be used for standalone Elements, for example if you wish to embed a simple poll in a site, or a sequence of unconnected polls. It is also utilised by Experiences where points and Gamification connect individual Elements into a flow.

In Timeline mode, each new Element that is published, stacks on top of the next in a feed.

Tabs mode offers multiple feeds can be displayed one at a time, elements will go into each specified feed.

Hub mode, like Tabs mode allows multiple feeds. However on larger screens all feeds will be visible.

FanKit also supports tabbed navigation, under which you can house the Timeline or Card Display. Tabs can also house carousels of video clips for example.

Where can it be deployed?

FanKit can be deployed in several ways, with the Embed URL provided inside Studio on a per-project or pre-event basis. Read the Integration Guide for more detail.

  1. Loaded directly from its unique URL (URL is available in Studio > Timeline)

  2. iframed into your environment (Embed code is available in Studio > Timeline)

  3. Opened within a WebView from your native app

  4. Linked-to from social media (e.g. Instagram Swipe Up)

How do I set up and control FanKit?

FanKit is set up and controlled by Monterosa / Interaction Cloud. Using Studio you can configure the app, then create content that is either triggered live or scheduled. Each Project is associated with an instance of the FanKit app, which is also hosted and served by the platform.

Last updated