Smash Rater

(formerly known as "Needle O'Meter")


The Smash Rater is a fun, dynamic gauge that allows the audience to respond to a question by tapping on the answer they want, repeatedly if they wish. Their response is then measured against the average crowd response.

The Smash Rater is a version of the Swing Poll where a needle moves inline with user votes in real time.





Main Media

Image 16:9 | 750 x 422px | Max 250kb | PNG / JPG

Answer Media

Image 16:9 | 340 x 190px | Max 130kb | PNG / JPG

Image Guidance: Exact pixel dimensions are for maximum guidance only (00 x 00px), media must be the correct ratio size to avoid being cut or distorted (0:0). For example, 16:9 is equivalent to 32 x 18px and 64 x 36px. Media must be under the recommended file weights to avoid lengthy download times (Max 000kb).

Setup Guide


Last updated