App & Element Styling

Customise the look and feel of the experience including background, button styles and visual states

App Styling

Setting Name


Background Colour

Global background colour applied to the page.

Background Image

You can upload a different background image for mobile, tablet and desktop.

Custom Fonts URL

You can upload or specify your custom fonts (either by uploading your own font files or by specifying the Google / Adobe fonts used).

An example custom font url for this field would be:

Primary Font

Your primary font can be specified from your set of custom fonts.

Secondary Font

Your secondary font can be specified from your set of custom fonts.

Background Colour and Background Image. The background colour is applied by default and is displayed when there is no background image configured. When they're both populated, the background image is displayed.

Setting name

Setting Description

Display header?

You can control the header displaying.

Brand Logo

You can upload the brand logo displaying in the header left corner.

Description for Element's App Setup settings you can find in Elements.

You can update Event Settings which will be applied in the current event. In Event Settings, you are able to control the Gamification, the Display Mode, the Video led experience and the Navigation

Last updated