Custom Adapters

Creating custom video player adapters

Player Layer uses adapters to connect itself to your video player. The default adapter relies on compatibility with W3C DOM standards as detailed in the Custom Adapter References. For example, video.js and Brightcove players adhere to these standards.

Where your player varies, it will require a custom adapter.

If you want we can create a custom adapter for your specific player so you don't have to. Please speak to your relationship manager to discuss creating a custom adapter.

An example of what a custom adapter should look like:

const AbstractAdapter = function (player, playerLayer) {

  // Constructor
  // Implement all necessary wiring here

  // notifies Player Layer that player is ready
  // by this time metadata should be preloaded including "name" and "duration"

  // resume/start player layer playback

  // pause player layer playback

  // notifies player layer that vide playback ended

  // notifies player layer that advert playback started

  // notifies player layer that advert playback ended

  return {
    // resume/start video playback

    // pause video playback
    // get current timecode

    // getMediaInfo()
    // currently we require `name` and `duration` to be returned
    // {name: 'Video title', duration: 120}

    // destructor
    // it is highly recommended to implement destructor 
    // to tear down all hooks


An example of a custom adapter made for the YouTube video player:

<div id="player-container"></div>

// instantiate YouTube player
// parameters omitted as they can vary from implementation
const player = new YT.Player('player-container', {...});

const CustomYoutubeAdapter = (player, playerLayer) => {

  // wiring up vide player's events
  player.addEventListener('onStateChange', (state) => {
    switch(state) {
      case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING:
      case YT.PlayerState.PAUSED:
        return playerLayer.pause();

  // and so on...

  return {
    play: () => player.playVideo(),

    // pause video playback
    pause: () => player.pauseVideo(),
    // get current timecode
    getTimeCode: () => player.getCurrentTime(),

    // getMediaInfo()
    // currently we require `name` and `duration` to be returned
    // { name: 'Video title', duration: 120 }
    getMediaInfo: () => ({
      name: 'Video title',
      duration: player.getDuration()

    // destructor
    destroy: () => {
      // unsubscribe form previously wired up events

const pl = new PlayerLayer({
  clientKey: "my-client-key",
  playerAdapter: CustomYoutubeAdapter,
  playerContainer: document.getElementById("player-container"),
  playerInstance: player

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